Thursday, August 13, 2009

What you need to know about Bee

As I have already stated, I'm a 16 year old high school student born and raised in a suburban mill town in Maine. But I guess if you're reading this you'll want to know more than, right?

First of all, I guess you could say I'm a jock. I love football, it's the sport I was born to play and it's the thing that I get the most enjoyment out of all the things I do. I also play Lacrosse for my school, and I certainly love playing that nearly as much as football. I also lift weights after school for football.

Now, that may classify me as a jock, but my circle of friends are far from it. My friends are the smart kids, bandies, musician-types that are mostly as far from jocks as you can get. I'll go over my friends more in depth later. The thing about my friends though is that often I am on the outside looking in. To clarify that, my friends aren't as much into me as I am into them. This lead to situation where I am not invited to parties, events, and other shit. This is where the main source of which my frustration comes from and has produced this blog.

I live with my parents in my hometown. My father is originally from Massachusetts, and I have a Nana, Grampy, and 2 aunts on that side. My grandparents and one aunt live in Charleston, SC and my other aunt lives in NH. More on that side of the family later.

My mother was born and raised in the town I live in now. My Pepe on that side died in 1989, 3 years before I was born. My Nana still lives in the same town as us, in a nursing home, and has the early stages of Alzheimer's. I have an aunt that lives in town with us. She has an Australian husband, who met her in Aspen, CO. They have three children that are extremely challenging, but even more lovable. My Mom's brother is also married and lives in southern Maine with his wife and two beautiful daughters.

Me and my sister get along very well and she's living with us presently. My dad and I jab at each other, but I know he cares about me so i could care less about we say to each other. And my mother's an angel. But they both can tell me when I'm messing up and that's what I have got to thank them for the most out of all of it.

I guess all that left are my hobbies. To unwind I often play poker (either online or with friends), golf, swim, read, and of course since I'm a teenage boy, play video games and watch TV.

Well, that's really all about me.

Next Up: Meet the Cast of Characters.

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